Monday, December 12, 2011


Its a very bad digital illustration.... I know. But I have spend pretty good 9-10 hours so I had to post it.
In my imagination she is very beautiful and graceful. The character is somewhat inspired from Rekha playing Vasantsena in Utsav (Hindi movie). I could not paint her eligance also. :(

Well! Vasantsena was Indian courtesan. She was very beautiful and rich. She falls in love with Charudatta.
It was Sanskrit play by Shudrak named, Mrichchhakatika.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Monday, October 24, 2011


I wanted to create a greeting card to share with colleagues in my office. Worship of goddess Lakshmi and lighting Deep is most important part of dipawali, so i thought I can paint Deepalaksmi in my greeting. I am not good at calligraphy, so please neglect that, ;).
Wish you all very happy diwali and prosperous year ahead. शुभ दीपावली !!! 

visual developments

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Monday, October 10, 2011


I don't know why but by default my colors goes in cool spectrum...
So this time I purposely decided to try something that is not my nature....RED
This is the pencil sketch for Rosie.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Friday, September 30, 2011

कातरवेळ nostalgic evening

निष्पर्ण माझ्या बाहुना वेढीत जातात संध्याछाया..... दूरवरच्या दिव्यांना मग जाग येते.....
मलाच दिलासा का द्याया.....

Thursday, September 29, 2011

रुक्मिणीचे अंगण

सत्यभामेच्या अंगणात होता पारिजात.
मोठ्या कौतुकाने आणि हौसेने ती त्याला पाणी देई.
त्याचा सांभाळ करी.
आणि त्याचे फुले मात्र वाऱ्याच्या झुळूकीसोबत येत रुक्मिणीच्या अंगणात......

Saturday, April 30, 2011

shishir the fall

वसंतातही जेव्हा कधी अवचित शिशिर अवतरतो
पानगळ स्वप्नांची आवरतही नाही .... ओसरतही नाही....